GDP #015: December 2023 DAO Treasury Vote for 2024

Dear DIA Community,

We hope this message finds you well. As we approach the year 2024, in pursuance of our unwavering commitment to transparency, accountability, and the principles of decentralized governance, we hereby present a series of options for the 2023 annual potential treasury release of DIA 9.15 million as per Transparency Report, a decision of paramount significance for the future trajectory of our DIA in 2024.

Your input and feedback are valuable as we make this important decision.

Core-Team Proposals

Option 1: Prudent Caution - No release in December

Our first proposal suggests refraining from any treasury release in December 2023. Instead, we recommend considering a release in 2024, subject to approval through a community vote, particularly if the market takes a bullish turn. This approach prioritizes fiscal responsibility and safeguards the project against adverse market conditions.

Also, we have not touched the 2023 release due to the bear market and investor protection. $0.30 | DIAToken (DIA) Token Tracker | Etherscan

Option 2: Repeating the 2022 release structure

Option 2 proposes sticking with the treasury release structure used in 2022 Snapshot.

This option provides continuity and predictability, but we encourage thoughtful consideration of its suitability given the changing market dynamics, and as a team would not recommend either an airdrop (sell-pressure) or additional released tokens we can’t sensefully use in a bear market scenario.

Option 3: Strategic Asset Burn

Option 3 is a bold strategy, involving the removal of a portion of our treasury assets through burning. We do not recommend this option, see no upside in price dynamics in this, and would prefer to enable the organization with the ability to act (upon DAO vote) in case of a bull market run.

Community Proposals

Option 4: No release in December + airdrop for voters (community proposal)

Submitted by community member @alexism

• Utilization of Unused Treasury Funds to supplement the proposed airdrop.
• Airdrop: 91500 DIA
• Distribution Method: Equal shares to everyone who voted on any DIA proposals in 2023

• Formula: 91500 DIA / Number of votants in 2023

• Treasury Release: No release in December 2023.

This comprehensive proposal seeks to uphold our shared principles, express community gratitude, and contribute to the long-term success and sustainability of DIA.

Option 4 is detailed here: Community Proposal for the DIA DAO Annual Treasury vote 2023

Community Proposals: Submit Yours [closed]

We understand the gravity of this decision and its potential long-term consequences. Your collective insights and engagement are essential in shaping the path forward.

We invite all community members to engage in thoughtful deliberation, and we commit to a transparent and inclusive voting process to determine the community’s preferred course of action.


  • Open DAO proposal & community proposals: 27.11.2023 - 04.12.2023
  • Snapshot vote: 04.12.2023 - 11.12. 2023
  • On-chain implementation: First week of January 2024

Together, we will chart a path that aligns with our shared vision for a resilient and sustainable DeFi ecosystem. Your active participation is fundamental to the success of our project, and we eagerly await your valuable contributions to this important decision.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Weber & the DIA Core-Team


We’ve included the community proposal from @alexism to the forum post above as “Option 4”.

The 4 options are now up for a vote on Snapshot. DIA token holders can vote for one of the options here.


The vote is now finished.

The winning proposal was the community proposal made from @alexism, marked under “Option 4” in the voting page on Snapshot with 90.41% in favor and 402k DIA voted for:

Option 4: No release in December + airdrop for voters (community proposal)

• Utilization of Unused Treasury Funds to supplement the proposed airdrop.
• Airdrop: 91500 DIA
• Distribution Method: Equal shares to everyone who voted on any DIA proposals in 2023
• Formula: 91500 DIA / Number of votants in 2023
• Treasury Release: No release in December 2023.

As previously stated, the proposal will be implemented in the first week of January, distributing $DIA the 91500 DIA tokens to the DAO voters who voted for any of the DIA DAO proposals in 2023 up until December 3rd.

More details about the airdrop claim are to follow.

See the full vote here.


Thank you very much community and in particular @alexism for the initiative, have to have seen this reasonable proposal passed. We will get to work on collecting the data for the drop, implementation as communicated first week of Jan-2024. Happy holiday season (if you celebrate it). Michael