New DIA DAO Community Name: Share your idea and suggestions

Welcome to all DIA DAO community members.


As our DAO community is growing at a fast pace, we would like to start opening up a few light and fun discussions to build the DAO together while bringing the community closer. This first discussion will aim to crowd-source a new name to refer to the community of contributors building the DIA DAO.

Having a special community name can have a very positive impact on recognition, loyalty and a sense of belonging for all participants involved.

Discussion, Voting & Execution

Please provide in this thread, a few ideas and suggestions for names for the DIA DAO Community. The names should be somehow connected to the DIA core mission and name and be relevant in terms of what DIA does.

If there is some level of consensus for 3-5 preferred names, they will be taken to an on-chain vote via DIA’s Snapshot page to be elected for the new DIA DAO community name.

Disclaimer: the DIA Core team reserves the right not to push discussion through a vote, if none of the suggested names are fairly relevant, on topic with DIA’s services and operations or appropriate/inoffensive to be publicly used to represent the DIA community. We are not fuddin anyone :wink:

Reserving this one for names

I suggest the following:

  1. OracleDAO
  2. DOracleDAO

These names express core mission of DIA DAO.

I have below suggestions.
1: XFloor DAO
3: XF Oracle DAO