Add Liquidity to the Anyswap DIA Pool

The Pool on Anyswap (Arbitrum / Ethereum) is out of Liquidity.
This Pool is needed for DIA ART owners and stakers because the Staking Rewards are paid out in DIA on Arbitrum.
Currently these strong believers in DIA, owner and buyers of the first ARTs cant move the earned DIA.

Dear @Autobach_Crypto,

Thank you for bringing up the topic, which is also in the broader context of a bridge/L2 discussion relevant.

The liquidity should come from the community, DAO, as with other projects, but we acknowledge that this for DIA, as well as other project, has decreased in recent months.

While we see the benefit of using efficiencies from L2s, bridged solutions, we have also seen in recent months, bridges and the liquidity on them can lead to serious security concerns, hacks, and tokens dumped on investors in case of breaches, or kill a project altogether if too much concentration of tokens/liquidity is taking place, therefore we are also vary of simply pushing liquidity into this.

We therefore would open this discussion for the DAO for solutions, and would bring incentives for Anyswap from our side to the table, similar to our previous LP incentive program to a DAO vote DAO Vote #2: Liquidity Provision Incentives | by DIA Core Team | DIA Insights | Medium



That would be great👍

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Agreed. We will bring this to a DAO vote latest end of next week and post in our channels, i’ll post the Snapshot link here. Currently (as of 31.Aug.22) there is still a pool of 3,685.52 (Anyswap Arbitrum/ETH)


Snapshot link: Snapshot