CDR #057: OUSD Price Feed


Protocol: Origin Dollar


Integration: Price feed for $OUSD. $OUSD is a yield-bearing stablecoin, which deploys users’ underlying capital to a diversified set of yield-earning strategies, rebalancing over time to achieve great yields while diversifying risk.

Use case: Will be used for lending markets for OUSD

Blockchain: Ethereum



The following assets will be included in the Oracle:

Asset Ticker Asset Blockchain Asset Address Asset Markets Overview Trades Aggregation Window Size
OUSD Ethereum 0x2A8e…5e86 OUSD markets 120 sec


Select the methodologies that will define the feeds:

  • Volume Weighted Average Price with Interquartile Range (VWAPIR) will be used to calculate the price for the assets. Learn more about it here

  • 2% deviation threshold for updates trigger will be applied

  • 120s trades aggregation window size will be applied

  • The feed will be updated every 24h period if there are no deviation based updates


Select if the feed should be delivered on-chain via oracle and if so, which network:

  • Delivery method: Oracle on Ethereum

  • Testnet required: No


Additional relevant information:

  • Delivery estimate: 10 days

Thank you for requesting a data feed via DIA CDR. We confirm the CDR specifications were requested correctly. Find the oracle information below:


The oracle is deployed and can be accessed here.

You can query for assets by calling the read function getValue() with parameters such as “OUSD/USD”. It will return two values:

  1. The price of the asset queried with 8 decimals
  2. The unix timestamp of the last update

You can see Solidity and Vyper code integration examples here or use a dedicated DIA oracles integration library described in detail here.


Each deployed oracle has a separate gas wallet which is the only entity allowed to update oracle values based on selected parameters. To find out more information on how it works, visit the following link.

Please make sure to top up the gas wallet, as we only put in some gas to deploy and start the oracle.

Gas Wallet address: 0x3a4b859279998e5841e4f305b9b43e63e2f57645


You can view the markets included for each feed by pressing on a link to DIA App in the deployed assets list:

  1. Ethereum-0x2A8e1E676Ec238d8A992307B495b45B3fEAa5e86

Note: DIA uses Blockchain-Address querying formatting to ensure asset selection precision (token symbols might duplicate)

You can also query current asset prices and find other market information on the asset by using the DIA API as described here.


I would like to request addition of an OETH/ETH oracle as well:

Contract: Origin Protocol: OETH Token | Address 0x856c4Efb76C1D1AE02e20CEB03A2A6a08b0b8dC3 | Etherscan

Asset markets:

Dear team,
the OETH/ETH oracle has been deployed. This consists of two parts:

First, the existing oracle is now receiving feeds of OETH/USD and ETH/USD. Each time OETH/USD is updated, an update for ETH/USD is also made to ensure the update timing coincidence of both assets.

Second, an adapter contract has been deployed at 0xab9e20e8ab03c4f9476531b3ba3a0fc522cd0faa to retrieve the value of OETH/ETH directly.
To do taht, just call getAPriceInB() to receive the price of OETH in ETH (with 8 decimals) and the timestamps of the two underlying updates.
We recommend to check that these timestamps are closely together to ensure freshness of the data when you call this function.


Hey team, primeETH/USD has been deployed in the oracle.



Peter here again from Origin. I would like to request addition of a superOETHb/ETH oracle on Base.

CDR proposal here: Origin Protocol (SuperOETH) - CDR Proposal - Google Docs

Contract: 0xDBFeFD2e8460a6Ee4955A68582F85708BAEA60A3

Asset markets: superOETHb | Super OETH API & Price Oracle | DIA

Thank you for requesting a data feed via DIA CDR. We confirm the CDR specifications were requested correctly. Find the oracle information below:


The oracle is deployed and can be accessed here.

The adapter for querying the ratio SUPEROETHB/ETH is located here.

You can query for assets by calling the read function getValue() with parameters such as “SUPEROETHB/USD”. It will return two values:

  1. The price of the asset queried with 8 decimals
  2. The unix timestamp of the last update

In the adapter contract you can call getAPriceInB() to to retrieve the value of SUPEROETHB/ETH directly. We recommend to check that these timestamps are closely together to ensure freshness of the data when you call this function.

You can see Solidity and Vyper code integration examples here or use a dedicated DIA oracles integration library described in detail here.


Each deployed oracle contract has a separate gas wallet which is the only entity allowed to update oracle values based on selected parameters. To find out more information on how it works, visit the following link.

Please make sure to top up the gas wallet, as we only put in some gas to deploy and start the oracle.

Gas Wallet address: 0x737ac5c02aa7b34db22172b3931cb965e2c2ca81


You can view the markets included for each feed by pressing on a link to DIA App in the deployed assets list:

  1. Base-0xDBFeFD2e8460a6Ee4955A68582F85708BAEA60A3
  2. Ethereum-0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Note: DIA uses Blockchain-Address querying formatting to ensure asset selection precision (token symbols might duplicate)

You can also query current asset prices and find other market information on the asset by using the DIA API as described here.

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