Domination Finance is a multi-chain decentralized exchange (DEX) for dominance trading. Our web3 application enables users to speculate on popular market dominance metrics such as Bitcoin dominance (BTCDOM).
Feed usage
Data type: Guest oracle Use case: Market dominance
Delivery method: Ethereum Goerli and Rinkeby Update mechanism: Time based + Deviation based Threshold - Deviation: 0.15% Frequency - Deviation Based: 60s Frequency - Time Based: 1200s
You can query for values by calling the read function getValue() with parameters such as “BTC-DOM”. Note that the key always ends with “DOM”. It will return two values:
The value of market dominance with 8 decimals
The Unix timestamp of the last update
Please make sure to top up the gas wallets very soon, as we only put in some gas to deploy and start the oracle.
We’d like to request a deployment of the same guest oracle on Arbitrum Goerli. This is the network we’ll want to have our testnet build running on. Thanks!