dPRIME Asset Modules Finance (“DAM Finance” or “DAM”) is a protocol for enabling purchasing power from cross-chain portfolios. DAM enables borrowers to deposit baskets of tokens in a single transaction to mint dPRIME, a Dotsama stablecoin on Moonbeam. This innovation provides borrowers more flexibility in purchasing power creation and vault maintenance while accommodating a broader range of blockchain-secured assets as collateral.
Feed usage
Data type: Price feed Use case: Lending & Borrowing + Stablecoin
Delivery method: on-chain, Moonbeam mainnet and testnet Update mechanism: Deviation-based Threshold: 0.5% Methodology: VWAP Frequency: 120s Sources (by chain/version): All available markets Pairs: ASTR/USD, ACA/USD, PARA/USD, CFG/USD, INTR/USD, BFC/USD, PHA/USD
Thanks for submitting your Custom Delivery Request!
The DIA DAO will review your requirements shortly and if all information is correctly provided, a core developer will proceed and deliver the API endpoint. If the requirements are partially or incorrectly requested, a DAO member will get in touch with you again.
Thank you for requesting a DIA CDR. We confirm the CDR specifications were requested correctly. Find the oracle / API endpoint below:
By querying for blockchain and asset, the API provides the markets used for calculating this feed.
API endpoint
By querying for blockchain and asset, the API provides the asset quotation for each asset in the feed.
The oracle is deployed and can be accessed here.
You can query for assets by calling the read function getValue() with parameters such as “ASTR/USD”. It will return two values:
The price of the asset queried with 8 decimals
The timestamp of the last update
Please make sure to top up the gas wallets very soon, as we only put in some gas to deploy and start the oracle.
Gas wallet: 0xeBA8f0A4e21D0211838BeEFb0D86af18eb4C1364
Also make sure they always have sufficient funding.
This is the list of assets we deployed (blockchain/asset address):