CDR #011: Arka | asset price


Arka is a prediction market on Astar.

Feed usage

Data type: Price feed

Use case: The feed will be used to calculate the asset price


Delivery method: Astar, Shibuya

Update mechanism: Deviation based

Threshold: 0.5%

Methodology: Moving Average

Frequency: 60s

Sources (by chain/version): All available markets

Pairs: Astar/ USD, BTC/ USD, DOT/ USD

Other relevant information:

Futures market based on several asset prices.

DOT/USD is now live on Astar and Shibuya additionally to the already deployed ASTR/USD and BTC/USD feeds.

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dApp introduction

Arka Lottery on Moonbeam and Moonbase testnet

Feed usage

Data type: Random number generator
Use case: Lottery


Delivery method: Moonbeam and Moonbase testnet
Mechanism: Random Number Generator
Frequency: On Request
Sources (by chain/version): All available markets

dApp introduction

Arka Lottery on Polygon and Mumbai testnet

Feed usage

Data type: Random number generator
Use case: Lottery


Delivery method: Polygon and Mumbai testnet
Mechanism: Random Number Generator
Frequency: On Request
Sources (by chain/version): All available markets

dApp introduction

Arka is a prediction market on Polygon and Polygon Mumbai Testnet.

Feed usage

Data type:Price Feed
Use case: The feed will be used to calculate the asset price


Delivery method: Polygon, Mumbai testnet
Update mechanism: Deviation based
Methodology: Moving Average
Frequency: 60s
Sources (by chain/version): All available markets


Arka is a prediction market on Moonbeam

Feed usage

Data type: Price feed

Use case: The feed will be used to calculate the asset price


Delivery method: Moonbeam, Moonbase alpha

Update mechanism: Deviation based

Threshold: 0.5%

Methodology: Moving Average

Frequency: 60s

Sources (by chain/version): All available markets


Hey, here are the randomness oracles deployed on Moonbeam and Moonbeam Alpha:

Please keep the funding wallets funded, especially on Moonbeam it is expected to run out pretty quickly.
Moonbeam: 0x821373310bb30d9e92206be4f881063e752312b4
Moonbeam Alpha: 0xA7c207645DCDc1655499E1f0d2bE2D8538025327

Hey, here are the randomness oracles deployed on Mumbai and Polygon:

Please keep the funding wallets funded

Polygon: 0xd04a35af2F33E2f644764B129D7d6A46ea910eB7
Mumbai: 0xF179AA274a101277912d2526f5Ab6f40F3380f76

The Moonbeam Alpha contract is updated to carry the new assets.

On Moonbeam we deployed the contract here: Contract Address 0xf99cf4a64f1fb53f077c7e736236f726b0dcb338 | Moonbeam

with funding wallet here: 0x510653cb99157EDa43568F8dc192c85Ab908fB88

Hi, we have deployed the oracle on Mumbai and Polygon.

Polygon address: 0xe6e7d667b5234748ea264d3fa7dd8b4c3883dafc
Mumbai address: 0x882142bdfbcb92af84407512b8faa660f72f560f

Funding wallets
Polygon: 0x67631470be83f7b449d2efc4a03dad3aee779d1b
Mumbai: 0xa33f366c2963d6ccedca3e6ec6ad09c46b696cd1

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