CDR #46: JonesDAO: Price Feedd

27 April, 2023


Protocol: Jones DAO

Integration Overview: Collateral ratio driven asset price feed for jUSDC and jGLP


Following assets will be included in the Oracle:

Asset Ticker Collateral Asset Methodology
jUSDC USDC jUSDC price = jUSDC_redemptionRate * USDC_price

collateral value jUSDC = totalAssets * USDC_price|
|jGLP|GLP|jGLP price = jGLP_redemptionRate * GLP_price

collateral value jGLP = getUnderlyingGlp * GLP_price|

USDC price methodology:

  • Moving Average Price with Interquartile Range (MAIR) will be used to calculate the price for the USDC. Learn more about it here
  • 0.5% deviation threshold for updates trigger will be applied for USDC
  • 120sec time window for trades aggregation will be applied for USDC


Delivery Method Oracle on Arbitrum network
Is testnet deploy required? No
Delivery Estimate 10 days

Hey everyone, we deployed the oracle and the adapter. Please use the opportunity to test the adapter with its four main functions


in this contract:

This will result in the requested values from your CDR.

For the USDC feed, we confirm the CDR specifications were requested correctly. Find the oracle / API endpoint below:


By querying for blockchain and asset, the API provides the markets used for calculating this feed.

API endpoint

By querying for blockchain and asset, the API provides the asset quotation for each asset in the feed.


The oracle is deployed and can be accessed here.

You can query for assets by calling the read function getValue() with parameters such as “USDC/USD”. It will return two values:

  • The price of the asset queried with 8 decimals
  • The timestamp of the last update

Please make sure to top up the gas wallets very soon, as we only put in some gas to deploy and start the oracle.
Gas wallet: 0xddd5Ed6293B4667d13d58940F54c89d4c69609DC

Also make sure it always has sufficient funding.