CDR #085: | Guest oracle provision of Feds EFFR Rate




Integration: Guest oracle provision of Feds EFFR Rate

Use case: Tracking FED’s rate in order to determine the borrowing rate for minting DUSD

Blockchain: Ethereum, BNB Chain, Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon zkEVM



The following assets will be included in the Oracle:


Select the methodologies that will define the feeds:

  • **Pricing methodology: 24h update frequency will be applied for all values
  • **Update trigger: Every 120sec the oracle will check if the value has been updated. As soon as new value will be available, the update will be sent on-chain


Select if the feed should be delivered on-chain via oracle and if so, which network:

  • Delivery method: Oracle on Ethereum, BNB Chain, Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon zkEVM
  • Testnet required: No

Learn more about DIA CDRs here

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Thank you for requesting a data feed via DIA CDR. We confirm the CDR specifications were requested correctly. Find the oracle information below:


The oracles are deployed and can be accessed here:

You can query for assets by calling the read function getValue() with parameters such as “targetRateFrom”. It will return two values:

  1. The value of targetRateFrom from the NY Fed API with 8 decimals
  2. The unix timestamp of the last update

You can see Solidity and Vyper code integration examples here or use a dedicated DIA oracles integration library described in detail here.


Each deployed oracle contract has a separate gas wallet which is the only entity allowed to update oracle values based on selected parameters. To find out more information on how it works, visit the following link.

Please make sure to top up the gas wallet, as we only put in some gas to deploy and start the oracle.

Gas Wallet addresses: