CAR#53: Solarbeam | Source

Community Approval Request #053: Solarbeam
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2023
Author: Emre Kara
Status: Voting

In this 53rd Community Approval Request (CAR), the DIA DAO community will be voting to validate Solarbeam as a data source for the DIA Platform. DIA’s direct integration into centralised and decentralised marketplaces such as Solarbeam enables a broad and highly granular and customizable data and oracle offering for dApps.

Solarbeam is a decentralized exchange, providing liquidity and enabling peer-to-peer transactions on the Moonriver and Moonbeam Networks . The goal is to provide a comprehensive and convenient, one-stop platform for the cryptocurrency community.

Solarbeam on DIA App

Head over to Snapshot to vote


  • Vote: 3 Feb - 10 Feb2023
  • Approval: 10 Feb, 2023